Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Dam bursts Row 1
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 2
Hunger strike ended Row 3
Wooden houses not allowed after fire Row 4
Self-cleaning clothes become popular Row 5
Wrestling becomes a subject Row 6
Scandal in stock exchange Row 7
Amazon grows back Row 8
High jumper jumps under bar Row 9
Ape learns to dance Row 10
Election is cancelled Row 11
Little Girl talks to neighbour Row 12
School through internett Row 13
Like button stops working Row 14
Green lawn turns blue Row 15
Important book written Row 16
Breakfast abolished Row 17
Hostess offends passenger Row 18
Boss fires all employees Row 19
Schoolbus drives round the world Row 20
Canary sings in rock band Row 21
Unimotorcycle gift of the year Row 22
Egyptian mummy is resurrected Row 23
FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 24
Destiny not allowed to decide Row 25
Penguin touches seabed Row 26
Sultan instructs genocide Row 27
9- legged spider discovered Row 28
Screens bigger than garage gates Row 29
Presidential speech too long Row 30
Woman phones 700 hours continuously Row 31
Cat eats shark Row 32
Tiger learns to sing Row 33
Baker bakes super-tiny cupcakes Row 34
Antarctic melt Row 35
Peace between aliens and humans Row 36
Pink apples grown Row 37
Radio drama broadcast Row 38
Invisible woman becomes visible Row 39
Party hat mandatory in restaurant Row 40
Page 2
Gorilla dances tango Row 41
Japan stops using nuclear energy Row 42
Madagascar below sea level Row 43
Rugby becomes national sport Row 44
Oldest tree burns down Row 45
Fan blows the moon away Row 46
All the trees grow together Row 47
Olympic athlete wins hoops Row 48
Phone calls spirit Row 49
Couple marries Row 50
Princes marries Row 51
Swimmingpools filled with soft drinks Row 52
Time travel becomes possible Row 53
Crocodile only eats salad Row 54
AudiA4 comes into the market Row 55
Coal mine collapses with no casualties Row 56
Footballer kicks referee Row 57
Students on vacation Row 58
Nursery on the moon opens Row 59
New book on memory Row 60
Unseen star explodes Row 61
Beach overrun by tourists Row 62
Teenager sleeps for twenty-two years Row 63
Earth becomes red giant Row 64
Peddle car wins grand prix Row 65
Universe is an illusion Row 66
First male beauty queen Row 67
Pear falls on scientist Row 68
Dinosaur discovers treatment against cancer Row 69
Treasure of chocolate coins found Row 70
Circus closes Row 71
The massage chair is refined Row 72
Transplants prohibited Row 73
Dog eats owner's handbag Row 74
School bus takes children to casino Row 75
Endless battery cell phones Row 76
Chevrolet only five bucks Row 77
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 78
Excavator digs up ice cream Row 79
Every road covered with gold Row 80
Page 3
Brazil prohibits football Row 81
Superman melts Row 82
Actor runs from crowd Row 83
Dust gathers in the ceiling Row 84
Mammoth revived Row 85
Global epidemic prevented Row 86
Pot cooking food for everyone Row 87
Whales' language translated Row 88
Chinese singer serenades lover Row 89
Nose starts runninng Row 90
Pope abdicates Row 91
Alchemist lies again Row 92
The sea divides Row 93
Cars powered by electricity Row 94
Crew strike Row 95
Priest converts to Buddhism Row 96
Tortoise wins speed race Row 97
Baby remote controls mother Row 98
Greece goes bankrupt Row 99
Start of new ice age Row 100
Sun shines twice as brightly Row 101
Italian flag changes colours Row 102
Buses drive backwards Row 103
Chicks born without feathers Row 104
Rapunzel travels the world Row 105
Headmaster resigns Row 106
Seabed cleaned up Row 107
Vanilla most expensive spice Row 108
Al students get A´s Row 109
Eurasia split by natural disaster Row 110
World ends Row 111
Earth stops spinning Row 112
Politician declines expenses Row 113
Marathon won by one legged man Row 114
Kiwi gives superpowers Row 115
Flying cars prohibited Row 116
Zebra loses strips Row 117
Teenagers wear beret, adults cap Row 118
Alexander the Great reads his story Row 119
Theatre opens Row 120
Page 4
Patient mistaken for mummy Row 121
Treasure founded out Row 122
Clock goes backwards Row 123
Giant hen lays small egg Row 124
Quantum physics goes wrong Row 125
Forest is cleared Row 126
Engine Explorers explore Row 127
Treasure found at hospital Row 128
Marriage for animals legalised Row 129
Fakir offended by nails Row 130
Dieting woman halves weight Row 131
Enrolled escapes home Row 132
Canoe sinks in a puddle Row 133
Pandemic hairloss Row 134
Manned mission to Mars Row 135
Bathtubs forbidden Row 136
Battery starts burning Row 137
Window blind gets stuck Row 138
Kings birthday Row 139
Man celebrates 122nd birthday Row 140
King lies about his age Row 141
Dog barks at cat Row 142
Lightning strikes the city Row 143
Elvis back, had been hiding Row 144
Finish sauna is invented Row 145
New beer invented Row 146
It snows mushrooms Row 147
Compasses start pointing east Row 148
Diamond asteroid found Row 149
New science discovered Row 150
Blue peas discovered Row 151
The people stop paying bills Row 152
Apes drive cars Row 153
Everest no longer highest mountain Row 154
Restaurant runs out of food Row 155
Peace is abolished Row 156
Deepest hole dug Row 157
Business reorganized Row 158
Secretary awarded Nobel prize Row 159
Everyone complains on everything Row 160
Page 5
Live man found at cemetery Row 161
He takes her hand Row 162
Grandparents go back to school Row 163
Noone wins on the lottery Row 164
War becomes illegal Row 165
Frisbee throwing becomes Olympic sport Row 166
Leech prescribed as cure for obesity Row 167
Whales watch people Row 168
Train driver forms rock band Row 169
Cloned president dies Row 170
Hollywood imitates Bollywood Row 171
John rises again Row 172
Football player offend referee Row 173
Cartoon character elected president Row 174
Parachutist never lands Row 175


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