Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Sea level rises seven meters Row 1
Windows stops using folders Row 2
Fanatics wave banner Row 3
Geeks rule Universe Row 4
Dogs play with cats Row 5
Brazil bans football Row 6
Little Girl talks to neighbour Row 7
The military hug Row 8
Receptacle with just one hole Row 9
Traffic jam on all roads Row 10
New islands discovered Row 11
Mushroom takes over in the forest Row 12
Please walk upside down Row 13
Star loses suitcase at airport Row 14
People learn telepathy Row 15
British swimmer wins cup Row 16
Køge Gymnasium appoints new chairman Row 17
Swimming pool destroyed in flood Row 18
Worms leave earth Row 19
GPS system shuts down Row 20
Runner runs too fast Row 21
USA divided Row 22
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 23
Family escape hot air balloon crash Row 24
Women better at memorizing than men Row 25
Robot learns speaking Row 26
Autumn becomes colourless Row 27
Earthworm paralyzed Row 28
The empire strikes back Row 29
3D stamp invented Row 30
Persia revived Row 31
Beetle sheds wings Row 32
Tree grows underground Row 33
Exhaust pipes removed from cars Row 34
Zoo closes Row 35
Girl sings rap Row 36
Endless battery cell phones Row 37
Chief annexes Iceland Row 38
Princes marries Row 39
Plane cashes into Mount Everest Row 40
Page 2
Sauerkraut for breakfast, lunch and dinner Row 41
Longjumper went too far Row 42
Candle burns for twenty years Row 43
Residential Brain training Row 44
Birthday cake is healthy Row 45
Chinese exercise in bathroom Row 46
Pippi Langstrumpf wins songcontest Row 47
War ends Row 48
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 49
Mother has daughter Row 50
TV gets a cold Row 51
Beetle attends insect ball Row 52
Diamond turns back into coal Row 53
Chemical company changes name Row 54
Coconut becomes softer Row 55
Lizard race in courtyard Row 56
Oranges taste better than ever Row 57
World's longest hair found Row 58
Mailbox company starts sending e-mails Row 59
Dinosaur discovers treatment against cancer Row 60
Vikings stranded in America Row 61
Cars powered by electricity Row 62
Gymnastics in school considered dangerous Row 63
Dolphin wins memory championship Row 64
Plate bought at IKEA Row 65
Monk gets married Row 66
Peace is abolished Row 67
Tree chases nests away Row 68
All superheroes exiled Row 69
Radio drama broadcast Row 70
Basketball player misses the ball Row 71
Bank goes bankrupt Row 72
Snail looses saliva Row 73
Deepest hole dug Row 74
Cars in cities banned Row 75
First breadcrumb bed invented Row 76
Couple marries Row 77
IPad production suspended Row 78
Good trade deal agreed Row 79
Sale on time machines Row 80
Page 3
Beetle drops wings Row 81
Kung Fu master fights bear Row 82
Mime walks tightrope Row 83
Frisbee throwing becomes Olympic sport Row 84
Star explosion Row 85
Lovers make up Row 86
Singer-songwriter breaks glasses Row 87
Rat hides in bottle Row 88
Cigaretts play funeral music Row 89
Dieting woman halves weight Row 90
iPhone 93XX lasts for 93 minutes Row 91
Scouts' tent collapses Row 92
Children choir sings opera Row 93
Cold eradicated Row 94
Peace treaty signed on mountain Row 95
Treaty signed Row 96
Penguin leans to fly Row 97
Musician falls off the stage Row 98
World Cup is abolished Row 99
Coffee classified as drug Row 100
Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 101
Global epidemic Row 102
The people stop paying bills Row 103
Missing ducks found again Row 104
Lorry drives round the world Row 105
Chimpanzee flies to Venus Row 106
Dance festival success Row 107
Fans cool city Row 108
Road melts in hot Summer Row 109
All buses run on electricity Row 110
Anglo-French couple wins petanque tournament Row 111
People nearly die laughing Row 112
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 113
Trumpet plays loudly Row 114
Ostrich fights on the ring Row 115
Snake eats lion Row 116
Apes drive cars Row 117
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 118
Someone publishes his first book Row 119
All beaches are nudist Row 120
Page 4
Pigeon attached by moths Row 121
Grocery shop stops selling food Row 122
Tabloid is only media Row 123
Book drops from shelf Row 124
No more weapons produced Row 125
Computer smarter than humans Row 126
Opera singer mobbed Row 127
Doping becomes legal Row 128
Bananas no longer sold Row 129
Railway tunnel built through Denmark Row 130
Former CEO wins senior WMC Row 131
Peace treaty signed Row 132
Ice rink melts Row 133
Child amazes parents Row 134
News is old Row 135
New beer invented Row 136
Romans build road to Mars Row 137
Chess- man beats machine again Row 138
World’s best swimmer drowns Row 139
Time travel becomes possible Row 140
Bank insures customers' money Row 141
Ant crosses the Atlantic Row 142
Shoe with liquorice laces released Row 143
A king ascended Row 144
Animal experiments outlawed Row 145
Nature people detected Row 146
Physicists finds formula for gravity Row 147
Gardener is best-paid profession Row 148
Gas and break switches places Row 149
Stadium hosts pyjama party Row 150
Hearing device filters lies Row 151
Statue is graffitied Row 152
Little toe trips up Row 153
Weightlifter lifts himself Row 154
Earth begins to grow Row 155
Gorilla dances tango Row 156
Sun rises -again! Row 157
Grass greener on the other side Row 158
Denmark wins world championship Row 159
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 160
Page 5
Sharks turn vegetarian Row 161
Snail runs fast Row 162
Judge gives sentence of running Row 163
World peace in a day Row 164
Pope for president Row 165
Politician divorces Row 166
Football player offend referee Row 167
Carpenter makes wooden car Row 168
Gemstone detected Row 169
Bee swam stops netball game Row 170
AudiA4 comes into the market Row 171
Singer sings in extraterrestrial Row 172
Treasure found at hospital Row 173
Sea level drops 3 meters Row 174
Fox steals chickens Row 175


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