Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Newton eats apple Row 1
WMC in Bolivia Row 2
City destroyed Row 3
Brain building biggest on earth Row 4
Rubbish dump designated national monument Row 5
Monkey uses nail polish Row 6
Last forest cut down Row 7
Beautiful jug designed Row 8
Father of nation betrays country Row 9
Crew go on strike Row 10
Politician declines expenses Row 11
Cold new epidemic Row 12
Dog eats boy's homework Row 13
New mountain detected Row 14
Plank put over Grand Canyon Row 15
Ants build regular houses Row 16
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 17
Cows give cream Row 18
Hello Kitty not a cat Row 19
Battery charges Row 20
Students on vacation Row 21
End of the world called off Row 22
TV news stops Row 23
Sugar banned Row 24
Bee swam stops netball game Row 25
Juggler earns a fortune Row 26
Donkey gets indigestion from carrots Row 27
Farmer harvests fruit Row 28
Baby gets doctorate Row 29
Fisherman eats old fish Row 30
Africa is a lush oasis Row 31
Dancers dance off the stage Row 32
Vikings stranded in America Row 33
Last illness wiped out Row 34
Door becomes road backwards Row 35
Scandal in stock exchange Row 36
Germans have a pillow fight Row 37
Man jumps off a cliff Row 38
Steam powered cars regain popularity Row 39
The 60s become modern again Row 40
Page 2
Priceless plate smashed Row 41
Largest diamond ever found Row 42
Fasting begins Row 43
Grape imports halted Row 44
Mars rivers reoriented Row 45
World's biggest pizza created Row 46
Memory champion becomes president Row 47
Kitchen roll is wet Row 48
King leaves his country Row 49
Frog wins middle distance race Row 50
Man lands on Mars Row 51
Cyclist makes world tour Row 52
Space tourism commonplace Row 53
Rapunzel dyes her hair Row 54
Radio drama broadcast Row 55
People remember Columbus Row 56
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 57
Temperature raises 10 degrees Row 58
Builder elected president Row 59
Blue whale extinct Row 60
Rock'n'roll on retirement home Row 61
UFO lands on moon Row 62
Madman appointed director of asylum Row 63
Candle burns for twenty years Row 64
Youngling lives in raspberry cave Row 65
Bread stated unhealthy Row 66
Monk clears litter Row 67
Ancient plate auctioned Row 68
Circus closes Row 69
Santa eats a reindeer Row 70
Tabloid only mdia Row 71
Aliens land on Earth Row 72
Clothes tried in court Row 73
Farmer grows GMO rapeseed Row 74
Big net replaces parachutes Row 75
Statue is graffitied Row 76
Dinner for thinner sinners Row 77
Earth becomes red giant Row 78
Rugby becomes national sport Row 79
Screens bigger than garage gates Row 80
Page 3
Kinderlieder werden zum ersten Mal gesungen Row 81
Helicopter crashes Row 82
Penholder for mental athletes Row 83
UN creates peace on Earth Row 84
Bowling is played at the office Row 85
Declaration declared intangible Row 86
English course for animals Row 87
The world's longest bridge built Row 88
New fish species looks like sushi Row 89
Huge amount of buns gone Row 90
Moon falls from sky Row 91
Penguin leans to fly Row 92
Country closes its borders Row 93
Oil runs out Row 94
Coldest summer ever Row 95
Toilet paper shortage Row 96
Solar wind gives extra power Row 97
All animals extinct Row 98
Time machine invented Row 99
New election in Sweden Row 100
Postman sings opera Row 101
Faulty vacuum cleaner catches fire Row 102
Lizards move to sea Row 103
Birds stop flying Row 104
Endless battery cell phones Row 105
Aristotle explains the world Row 106
Disco closes Row 107
Rice grows in Spain Row 108
Guitarist plays the piano Row 109
Space tourism starts Row 110
Coffee fuels rocket Row 111
Butterflies collection sold Row 112
Baby holds a concert Row 113
Skiing in slippers Row 114
New dinosaur founded out Row 115
Cow produces whipped cream Row 116
Doping legalized at olympics Row 117
Pillow insurrection Row 118
Deepest hole dug Row 119
Memory master suffers dementia Row 120
Page 4
Rose scented tap water introduced Row 121
Netherlands changes national colours Row 122
Mirror predicts future Row 123
Green lawn turns blue Row 124
Dogs and cats best friends Row 125
Doctors fall asleep Row 126
Polar bears become extinct Row 127
Viennesse Schnitzel is poisoned Row 128
2-brain man discovered Row 129
Dog eats duck Row 130
Earth's center solidifies Row 131
Nurse runs for parliamentary election Row 132
Oxygen no longer necessary Row 133
Grandchild gets grandgrandchildren Row 134
Green clouds detected Row 135
All cars are electric Row 136
Tigers escape from zoo Row 137
Mine digs to center of Earth Row 138
Computer company makes electric car Row 139
People learn telepathy Row 140
Deadly disease discovered Row 141
The Sims becomes real Row 142
All beaches are nudist Row 143
Whale runs aground Row 144
Apple falls Row 145
All deserts flooded Row 146
Knee bends Row 147
Chef burns sausage Row 148
First clothes made of hair Row 149
Assassin commits suicide Row 150
Superman melts Row 151
Kung Fu master fights bear Row 152
New universe discovered Row 153
Fox escapes hunt Row 154
Piano plays out of tune Row 155
Jupiter gets new moon Row 156
Pippi Langstrumpf wins songcontest Row 157
Industrialist opens new factory Row 158
Circus elephant escapes Row 159
Electric cars are modern Row 160
Page 5
Fan blows the moon away Row 161
Warmest summer ever in Sweden Row 162
Girl buys rugby ball Row 163
Fireman flamed for bad work Row 164
Wedding between gay princes Row 165
Queen takes part in Olympics Row 166
Pets are allowed to vote Row 167
World's longest giraffe born Row 168
Best ever design software released Row 169
New field in medicine Row 170
Smartphones made entirely of plastic Row 171
Coffee is grown no more Row 172
Earth cloudless for a whole day Row 173
First human borg Row 174
Race cancelled due to rain Row 175


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