Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Last earrings sold Row 1
Cow eats bull Row 2
Oranges taste better than ever Row 3
Right side of brain removed Row 4
Big net replaces parachutes Row 5
Whale runs aground Row 6
Ice skater eats lolly Row 7
Comedian loses laughter Row 8
Coffee is grown no more Row 9
Dengue fever in Norway Row 10
Government backs industry Row 11
Wallet lost containing $5,000 Row 12
Telephone hides in shoes Row 13
Turkeys' insurrection against Thanksgiving Day Row 14
WMC in Bolivia Row 15
Company goes bankrupt Row 16
Sea level drops 3 meters Row 17
Samer emigrating to the U.S. Row 18
The car keys are gone Row 19
Priest cleans the church up Row 20
TV gets a cold Row 21
Invention of invisible condom Row 22
Rudolph eats Santa Claus' hat Row 23
Moon falls from sky Row 24
Air pressure mashes potato Row 25
Dentist biggest superstar Row 26
Princess kisses tramp Row 27
Footballer kicks referee Row 28
New world record Row 29
Life on other planets scam Row 30
Breakfast eaten in the evening Row 31
First hair extension breaks Row 32
Karate master trapped in paper bag Row 33
Catapult fails Row 34
Traitor caught Row 35
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 36
Plane lands on moon Row 37
Prayers held outside Row 38
Receipts no longer submitted Row 39
Gorilla walks badly Row 40
Page 2
It snows mushrooms Row 41
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 42
Alexander the Great reads his story Row 43
Flea wins the high jump Row 44
Astronaut's suit malfunctions Row 45
Strict school teacher retired Row 46
Tangerine goes on holidays Row 47
New superhero invented Row 48
Aliens candidate for elections Row 49
Politician cheats in election Row 50
World Epidemic stopped Row 51
Oak tree planted Row 52
Earth stops spinning Row 53
Skunk aroma perfume discontinued Row 54
Students on vacation Row 55
Hair straightener activated per USB Row 56
Someone publishes his first book Row 57
Poisoned death caps successfully sold Row 58
Flower eats a HotDog Row 59
Carpenter makes wooden car Row 60
Nursery on the moon opens Row 61
Transplants prohibited Row 62
Hunger strike ended Row 63
Submarine that can fly built Row 64
Manager terminates all Row 65
Bananas no longer sold Row 66
Celebrity is photographed Row 67
Speaking computers introduced Row 68
Actor performs at school Row 69
Oldest plant dies Row 70
Baker bakes super-tiny cupcakes Row 71
Kinderlieder werden zum ersten Mal gesungen Row 72
Cold eradicated Row 73
Coal is banned Row 74
Multi-resistant bacteria wiped out Row 75
Cold new epidemic Row 76
First school opened on the moon Row 77
Statue of Liberty flies Row 78
Lawyer sentenced in court Row 79
Komet strikes venus Row 80
Page 3
Ginseng proven to be a sedative Row 81
Mouse mows secular tree Row 82
Pee as car fuel Row 83
All passports valid everywhere Row 84
Sweden and Norway united Row 85
Pyjama party at the office Row 86
Eagles turn vegetarian Row 87
All electricity runs out Row 88
Islands disappear Row 89
Dogs biking to the park Row 90
Queen abdicates Row 91
Pinky und Brain conquer the world Row 92
Monkeys learn to speak Row 93
Students on strike Row 94
Banana fears the worst Row 95
Malta wins Eurovision song contest Row 96
Boy learns times tables Row 97
Steel man moves house Row 98
Earth changes direction Row 99
Supporters cheer wrong team Row 100
Flight route is closed Row 101
Corn in all food products Row 102
Rabbit befriends toy dog Row 103
Asteroid vessel found Row 104
Girl wins prize for essay Row 105
Fans cool city Row 106
Flocks of ducks dance around Row 107
Captain makes coffee Row 108
Longjumper went too far Row 109
Cake seen as health foods Row 110
Artificial island is built Row 111
Mum delivers triplets Row 112
Internet closed down Row 113
Double-ended match popular Row 114
IPad production suspended Row 115
Treaty signed Row 116
Oil reserves run out Row 117
Nevada ice sculpture exhibition cancelled Row 118
DaVinci dissects cow Row 119
Bowling is played at the office Row 120
Page 4
Automobile company goes bankrupt Row 121
Self-cleaning clothes become popular Row 122
Pilot afraid of flying Row 123
Computer with 2 monitors is born Row 124
Reporter wins Olympics Row 125
Island appears in Pacific Ocean Row 126
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 127
Schoolteachers stop teaching Row 128
Malaria found in Sweden Row 129
The sky goes lime green Row 130
New dinosaur species found Row 131
News on world language Row 132
Sunniest November in centuries Row 133
Battery charges Row 134
Construction Worker strike Row 135
Orange tastes of lemon Row 136
Presidential speech too long Row 137
Everybody hides Row 138
Universe proven finite Row 139
Boat sails adrift Row 140
Australia and New Zealand collide Row 141
McDonald's opens on Everest Row 142
Bread stated unhealthy Row 143
Dog massaged by boss Row 144
Brain training on accommodation Row 145
Earthling aimlessly chats with aliens Row 146
Remote controlled car drives itself Row 147
Couple marries Row 148
Elephant completes jigsaw puzzle Row 149
Teenager sails boat around world Row 150
Plumber builds illegal dike Row 151
Homeless inherits castle Row 152
Life found in Jupiter Moon Row 153
Scientists discover new atom Row 154
Big smurf waxes his legs Row 155
Arrow strucks innocent Row 156
Genghis Khan rides horse Row 157
New king in Västerås Row 158
Africa a lush oasis Row 159
Android becomes dictator Row 160
Page 5
Memory athlete wins Olympics Row 161
Pharaoh revives Row 162
The Sims becomes real Row 163
Beethoven walks in country Row 164
New natural product found in dead-nettle Row 165
Fishes smell fishy Row 166
Flying boat invented Row 167
Friend lost at supermarket Row 168
Live man found at cemetery Row 169
First cosmetics studio opened Row 170
Polar bears become extinct Row 171
„Burj Dubai“ will be extended Row 172
Elephants migrate to London Row 173
Headwaiter found in soup Row 174
French pilots on strike Row 175


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