Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Android becomes dictator Row 1
IPad production suspended Row 2
Restaurant runs out of food Row 3
Emperor's old clothes found Row 4
Insects invade city Row 5
Ambassador interviewed on TV Row 6
Faulty vacuum cleaner catches fire Row 7
River running in circle Row 8
Poet writes thrillers Row 9
The cloud erased by mistake Row 10
Ancient hamburger found in fridge Row 11
Hello Kitty not a cat Row 12
All religions agree tolerance Row 13
Lifewest latest fashion Row 14
Balsam vinegar added to schampoo Row 15
Birthday cake is healthy Row 16
Tagalong tagged in photo Row 17
Boss sacks entire staff Row 18
Countries banned Row 19
Photographer photographs photon Row 20
Netherlands changes national colours Row 21
Friend lost at supermarket Row 22
Bathtubs forbidden Row 23
Chestnut thrown at guests Row 24
Coal mine collapses with no casualties Row 25
Universe turns out to be flower Row 26
First human on Mars Row 27
Actor performs at school Row 28
Brain building biggest on earth Row 29
Boys schools closed Row 30
Lovers make up Row 31
Audience boo Hollywood film Row 32
Extraterrestrials live among humans Row 33
Economic crisis Row 34
Atom Winter starts Row 35
Memory Athlete becomes president Row 36
Pyjamas party at school Row 37
The moon is cubical Row 38
Wine consumption increases Row 39
Turkeys' insurrection against Thanksgiving Day Row 40
Page 2
Photographer photographes a whale Row 41
Crocodile only eats salad Row 42
Cancer eradicated Row 43
Moon declares independence Row 44
Open air circus performances start Row 45
Spruce tree played by Bruce Lee Row 46
Car race held Row 47
Endless battery cell phones Row 48
Painting falls to the floor Row 49
Queen crowned naked Row 50
Kids never go to bed Row 51
Lady lives to 100 Row 52
Road melts in hot Summer Row 53
March leaves orbit Row 54
Zebra loses stripes Row 55
Kung Fu master fights bear Row 56
Headmaster resigns Row 57
Gramophone teaches kids playing chess Row 58
Fans cool city Row 59
Monk becomes grandfather Row 60
Bear teaches at school Row 61
Inuit emigrate to the Maldives Row 62
New machine invented Row 63
Lady hides in refrigerator Row 64
Komet strikes venus Row 65
Card deck memorized on Mars Row 66
Operation goes wrong Row 67
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 68
Princes born Row 69
Global epidemic Row 70
Waiter serves wrong order Row 71
Everyone has their own haircut Row 72
Postman is best spy Row 73
Warmest summer ever in Sweden Row 74
Senator bans soccer Row 75
Romantic novelist wins award Row 76
Gorilla dances tango Row 77
Mountain goes to the seaside Row 78
Dog lands on moon Row 79
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 80
Page 3
Statue on meditation Row 81
Design competition won by chimpanzee Row 82
Spelling mistakes in dictionary Row 83
Nuclear power plant explodes Row 84
Black is the new black Row 85
Prince takes part in knight games Row 86
Pea princess cannot sleep Row 87
Compasses start pointing east Row 88
Police cars are stolen Row 89
Restaurant on the moon Row 90
The devil becomes good Row 91
New islands detected Row 92
Prisoner breeds canaries Row 93
Landscape architect gets it wrong Row 94
CEO refuses to step down Row 95
Football prohibited Row 96
USA divided Row 97
Snake eats lion Row 98
Gold runs out Row 99
Buffalo stampede in Africa Row 100
Bank open 24-7 Row 101
Bees make chocolate Row 102
All cars are electric Row 103
Work voluntarily Row 104
Mamouth born again Row 105
Telephone hides in shoes Row 106
Plane lands on island Row 107
Showjumping without horses Row 108
Superhero loses special powers Row 109
Theatre opens Row 110
Drought wiped away Row 111
Leopard goes vegan Row 112
New law written Row 113
Kidney surgery done again Row 114
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 115
Steel man moves house Row 116
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 117
Dog jumps high Row 118
Farmer grows GMO canola Row 119
Pink apples grown Row 120
Page 4
Children's book wins Nobel prize Row 121
Peace is abolished Row 122
Bill Gates loses his fortune Row 123
Factory is closed down Row 124
Actress auctions handbags Row 125
Aircraft operated on gas Row 126
Candidate defects Row 127
Giraffes hypnotize humans Row 128
Tropical heat in Sweden Row 129
New field in medicine Row 130
King moves into sand castle Row 131
Mailbox company starts sending e-mails Row 132
Tiger learns to sing Row 133
Video recorders back on track Row 134
Grass stops growing Row 135
Skateboarder goes down a mountain Row 136
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 137
Rose scented tap water introduced Row 138
Glove thrown into the garbage Row 139
Greek islanders invade mainland Row 140
Port workers on strike Row 141
Lab rats take over lab Row 142
Cartoon character elected president Row 143
Chinese actor plays cowboy Row 144
Runner runs too fast Row 145
Compulsory schooling extended by 3 years Row 146
Laser operations become standard Row 147
Train runs over flock of sheep Row 148
Hero saves village Row 149
Church admits: made everything up Row 150
Green clouds detected Row 151
Wardrobe leads to Gothenburg Row 152
Eagles turn vegetarian Row 153
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 154
Rivers flow backwards Row 155
Earth becomes red giant Row 156
Noone wins on the lottery Row 157
Tree grows to 100 feet Row 158
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 159
Queen steps down Row 160
Page 5
Chimpanzee flies to Venus Row 161
School schools schools of fish Row 162
100 persons dropped on island Row 163
Wallet lost containing $5,000 Row 164
A camera is on Tour Row 165
Memory records broken Row 166
Orange tastes of lemon Row 167
Concert tickets sell out Row 168
Opera performed in space Row 169
Flea makes highest jump ever Row 170
First human borg Row 171
Brazil prohibits football Row 172
Pink polar bear discovered Row 173
Everyone complains on everything Row 174
Bees make pumpkin flower honey Row 175


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