Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Australia and New Zealand collide Row 1
James Bond fulfills his mission Row 2
Porpoise saves sailor Row 3
Giraffe looks into the distance Row 4
World Epidemic stopped Row 5
Dog accompanies owner to the park Row 6
Chinese becomes world language Row 7
Talking dog gets TV show Row 8
Liver lives on Row 9
Everyone remembers their own birth Row 10
Brain training on accommodation Row 11
Embryo gives birth to child Row 12
New recipe invented Row 13
Certificate for big head Row 14
Politicians fight in parliament Row 15
Hospital ship sails round the world Row 16
Ostrich fights on the ring Row 17
1000 poems written Row 18
Movies shown on every wall Row 19
Racist party charged with hate crime Row 20
Helicopter takes off from roof Row 21
Big net replaces parachutes Row 22
Crickets sing at the theatre Row 23
Three legged footballer banned Row 24
Plum tree becomes 1000 years old Row 25
Unicorn detected Row 26
A piano is played Row 27
Lady hides in refrigerator Row 28
Politician changes political stance Row 29
Pear grows on tree Row 30
Girl sings rap Row 31
Cancer can be healed Row 32
Dishwasher dishes in one second Row 33
Aristotle explains the world Row 34
Ostrich learns to fly Row 35
Taxi driver gets lost Row 36
Big smurf waxes his legs Row 37
Plague of leeches strikes town Row 38
Laws of physics stop Row 39
Landmines banned Row 40
Page 2
Neighbour recovers from flu Row 41
World’s best swimmer drowns Row 42
China becomes Communist again Row 43
Castle ruin restored Row 44
Justin Bieber wins Nobel prize Row 45
Judge gives sentence of running Row 46
Women´s marathon - two hours Row 47
Queen abdicates Row 48
Teacher forgets multiplication table Row 49
Spider weaves a long way Row 50
Loudspeaker heard on the moon Row 51
Pets are allowed to vote Row 52
Music heard from Jupiter moon Row 53
Salty melon found Row 54
Gas station hands out Nutella Row 55
Pinky und Brain conquer the world Row 56
Celebrities adopt daughter Row 57
Scientist transforms into gas Row 58
IPad production suspended Row 59
Highest sunflower higher than mountain Row 60
Golf star in scandal Row 61
Dieting woman halves weight Row 62
Tennis player wins last ball Row 63
Dane finds rare bones in France Row 64
Barbecues forbidden by the police Row 65
Holidays cancelled Row 66
Mars' moon habitable Row 67
Disco planet in solar system Row 68
Lizards move to sea Row 69
Black hole passes earth Row 70
Friend lost at supermarket Row 71
Girl wins prize for essay Row 72
Marriage for animals legalised Row 73
King dies Row 74
World memory record set Row 75
Dengue fever in Norway Row 76
Ikea sells mountable cars Row 77
Chief calls for world domination Row 78
Mother captains ship Row 79
Lovely weather all year 'round Row 80
Page 3
City destroyed Row 81
Bicylce in Chine tumbles down Row 82
Superhero loses special powers Row 83
Cat appears in circus Row 84
Japan stops using nuclear energy Row 85
Peddle car wins grand prix Row 86
Olympic games held on moon Row 87
Traitor caught Row 88
Mindfulness causes confusion Row 89
Postman sings opera Row 90
An allian elected president Row 91
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 92
Pupils go on strike Row 93
The 60s become modern again Row 94
Lions stop roaring Row 95
Bird big as a b747 Row 96
Vikings stranded in America Row 97
Meat prices fall Row 98
Frog races held in Alaska Row 99
Snowman wins dance competition Row 100
Cats stop eating fish Row 101
Mime makes speech Row 102
Small brain becomes big Row 103
Grandparents go back to school Row 104
School closed down Row 105
World race olympic discipline Row 106
No-one feels for working Row 107
Dynamite man marries gingerbread woman Row 108
Steam powered cars regain popularity Row 109
School bus takes children to casino Row 110
Germany runs on green energy Row 111
Eurasia split by natural disaster Row 112
Dog lands on moon Row 113
Every road covered with gold Row 114
Hearing device filters lies Row 115
Army general becomes juggler Row 116
Gas and break switches places Row 117
First memory lesson Row 118
Sun rises -again! Row 119
Hairdresser clips eagle's wings Row 120
Page 4
No cigarette butts on avenue Row 121
Sports Woman steals pyjamas Row 122
Shark balances ball on nose Row 123
Bacillus hits his toe Row 124
Teleporting banned Row 125
All animals extinct Row 126
Worms leave earth Row 127
The moon is cubical Row 128
Blind person takes driving test Row 129
Train runs over flock of sheep Row 130
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 131
Dam bursts Row 132
Missile fired in desert Row 133
Bread declared unhealthy Row 134
Breakfast abolished Row 135
All trains on schedule Row 136
Mouse mows secular tree Row 137
Sea level rises seven meters Row 138
Army disbanded Row 139
Bird builds nest on balcony Row 140
Last illness wiped out Row 141
Wallet lost containing $5,000 Row 142
Temple gets flooded Row 143
Temperature raises 10 degrees Row 144
Earthquake makes brains shake Row 145
Penguin touches seabed Row 146
Fox steals chickens Row 147
Live man found at cemetery Row 148
Airbag very comfortable Row 149
War breaks out between kings Row 150
Eating fried food declared healthy Row 151
Runner sets 100m record Row 152
Meteor strikes Row 153
Mozart's last note Row 154
Basketball new national sport Row 155
Asteroid vessel found Row 156
Overturned lorry sheds load Row 157
Government takes permanent vacation Row 158
Chestnut thrown at guests Row 159
Grass greener on the other side Row 160
Page 5
Fog in the kitchen locker Row 161
Malaria mosquitoes wiped out Row 162
Basketball player misses the ball Row 163
Cicero learns French Row 164
Olympics held on the Moon Row 165
Plato becomes a predator Row 166
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 167
Sun changes colour Row 168
Pomegranate explodes Row 169
Whales' language translated Row 170
Last earrings sold Row 171
The Smurfs turn green Row 172
Puppy attacks boyfriend Row 173
School through internett Row 174
Teachers go on strike Row 175


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