Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Trinidad and Tobago’s general dies Row 1
Insects invade city Row 2
Trumpet plays loudly Row 3
Couple marries Row 4
Sumo wrestling Olympic sport Row 5
Guitarist plays the piano Row 6
First human cloning Row 7
UN creates peace on Earth Row 8
Clock goes backwards Row 9
Death sentences are prohibited Row 10
Homemade vase breaks Row 11
Bird builds nest on balcony Row 12
Zebra named spot Row 13
TV news stops Row 14
Greece sells its islands Row 15
Powdered wine outsells natural wine Row 16
Australia wipes out rabbits Row 17
Farmer grows GMO canola Row 18
Last jungle chopped down Row 19
Rain ends drought Row 20
Runner sets 100m record Row 21
Human cloning legalised Row 22
Fly leaves the atmosphere Row 23
New Eiffel tower in Rome Row 24
Entombed warriors escape Row 25
Chemise is being sewn Row 26
Artist is lost in jungle Row 27
Helicopter crashes Row 28
Coconut becomes softer Row 29
Pregnancy shortened Row 30
Teenager walks to South Pole Row 31
Tales prove to be true Row 32
Student praised for cheating Row 33
Jupiter's moon becomes habitable for humans Row 34
Brown polar bear spotted Row 35
Reversed poem great hit Row 36
Artificial island is built Row 37
First memory lesson Row 38
Cyclist makes world tour Row 39
King abdicates Row 40
Page 2
Rare orchid auctioned Row 41
Steam cars are used Row 42
Doll sold in supermarket Row 43
Fliegender Teppich wird beliebtes Transportmittel Row 44
Australia under water Row 45
Double-ended match popular Row 46
Democratic country introduces dictatorship Row 47
Seal balances ball on nose Row 48
Pendulum laps itself Row 49
The Sims becomes real Row 50
Toys are alive Row 51
Teenagers wear beret, adults cap Row 52
Assassin commits suicide Row 53
Invention of invisible condom Row 54
Homework prohibited Row 55
No more religion Row 56
Pilot afraid of flying Row 57
Chicken graduates at Harvard Row 58
Entire USA undergoes power cut Row 59
Computer smarter than humans Row 60
Crickets sing at the theatre Row 61
Flags baned Row 62
Camp is robbed Row 63
Girl sings rap Row 64
Leopard goes vegan Row 65
Sieve sieved in sieve for sieves Row 66
Arab studies Aristotle Row 67
Air pressure mashes potato Row 68
Crew strike Row 69
Greenhouses prohibited Row 70
Dolphin wins memory championship Row 71
IPad production suspended Row 72
Waiter puts plates under table Row 73
Postman sings opera Row 74
Cancer cure found Row 75
Country people swim in reef Row 76
Shops run out of winter jackets Row 77
Inuit emigrate to the Maldives Row 78
Bus collides with rubbish cart Row 79
Same day two times Row 80
Page 3
Bull jumps on audience tribune Row 81
Brazil bans football Row 82
Clothes tried in court Row 83
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 84
Flower sneezes Row 85
China becomes Communist again Row 86
Cloudy for one year Row 87
Boyfriend performs rain dance Row 88
Ginseng becomes a children's drink Row 89
The massage chair is refined Row 90
Unicycle cannot be ridden Row 91
Private schools banned Row 92
Fox escapes hunt Row 93
University closed down Row 94
Vacuum cleaning new Olympic discipline Row 95
School through internett Row 96
Deer migrate Row 97
Purple tuna caught Row 98
Whales go on safari Row 99
Teddy bear laughs evily Row 100
Fish found on Jupiter's moon Row 101
Chemical company changes name Row 102
Upper age limit for voters Row 103
Infinite waiting time in phone queue Row 104
Jessica Rabbit's latest movie Row 105
Apple falls Row 106
Oranges become watermelons Row 107
Bats fly during daytime Row 108
World Bank closes Row 109
World hunger eradicated Row 110
Vanilla most expensive spice Row 111
Bird falls from tree Row 112
Business prohibited Row 113
Showjumping without horses Row 114
Mushroom takes over in the forest Row 115
Christmas is cancelled Row 116
Teenager sleeps for twenty-two years Row 117
Kitchen infested by insects Row 118
Christmas celebrated four times yearly Row 119
Temperature raises 10 degrees Row 120
Page 4
Soccer ball bounces into goal Row 121
Rudolph eats Santa Claus' hat Row 122
Camel race won Row 123
Manhattan must be moved Row 124
Skyscraper made entirely of glass Row 125
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 126
Party in office Row 127
King executed in public Row 128
Fanatics wave banner Row 129
McDonald's opens on Everest Row 130
Plane reachers speed of light Row 131
Rose grows without thorns Row 132
Tree starts to dance Row 133
Telescopic universe looks beginning Row 134
Big net replaces parachutes Row 135
Prisoner escapes Row 136
Wallet lost containing $5,000 Row 137
Glove thrown into the garbage Row 138
Fairy princess tired of pink Row 139
All vegetables are grown organically Row 140
Headteacher opens own school Row 141
Mohammed moves mountain Row 142
Aliens fly past Earth Row 143
Fizz uncorked on Saturn Row 144
Gorilla walks badly Row 145
Dinosaur discovers treatment against cancer Row 146
Peace treaty written Row 147
Construction Worker strike Row 148
Fireman puts fire out with petrol Row 149
Plato becomes a predator Row 150
Judge stands down Row 151
Rivers become salted Row 152
Ostrich fights on the ring Row 153
Peace terminated Row 154
British monarchy closes Row 155
Underwater car manufactured Row 156
Gnome catches flu Row 157
New memory drink Row 158
All the money split equally Row 159
First bag snatcher gets caught Row 160
Page 5
Samer emigrating to the U.S. Row 161
Flea wins the high jump Row 162
Friend lost at supermarket Row 163
A moment lasts forever Row 164
Memory Champion elected President Row 165
Greece goes bankrupt Row 166
Monk wins a race Row 167
Carpenter puts nail in nose Row 168
Brazil prohibits football Row 169
Queens birthday Row 170
Scouts' tent collapses Row 171
Amazon jungle disappears Row 172
Vet cures teddy bear Row 173
Psychologist goes mad Row 174
Robot learns speaking Row 175


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