Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Hundred year-old tree tells sories Row 1
Bank hands out free money Row 2
Scientists discover new atom Row 3
Doctor prescribes hot chili Row 4
Green hair compulsory Row 5
Indian goes abroad Row 6
First hotel on the moon Row 7
Australia and New Zealand collide Row 8
Airplane flies out in space Row 9
Japan stops using nuclear energy Row 10
Atom Winter starts Row 11
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 12
Sun stops heating Row 13
Engine Explorers explore Row 14
All cars are electric Row 15
Computer without keyboard invented Row 16
Bowling is played at the office Row 17
Female president in China Row 18
Dengue fever in Norway Row 19
Al students get A´s Row 20
Students win Danish volleyball championship Row 21
Farmer grows GMO rapeseed Row 22
Skiing in slippers Row 23
Elephant gets amnesia Row 24
Passenger sings on airplane Row 25
AI generates historic dates Row 26
Flower sneezes Row 27
Traitors flee from Earth Row 28
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 29
Whales watch people Row 30
Martians attack the Venus Row 31
Horse insults donkey Row 32
Tunnel closed Row 33
Kidney surgery done again Row 34
Male politicians banned Row 35
Wall is painted red Row 36
Artist goes to dentist Row 37
Greece sells its islands Row 38
Banker donates to charity Row 39
Restaurant on the moon Row 40
Page 2
Birds stop flying Row 41
Sweden and Norway united Row 42
Dance festival success Row 43
Peace is forgotten Row 44
Lion king over earth Row 45
Emperors old clothes found Row 46
All clothes made of plastic Row 47
Wells dry up Row 48
Children choir sings opera Row 49
Student gets B on blood test Row 50
Table opens a company Row 51
Window blind gets stuck Row 52
IT consultant eats icecream Row 53
Manhattan must be moved Row 54
Entrepreneurs open schools for children Row 55
Greenhouses prohibited Row 56
Gorilla dances tango Row 57
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 58
New superhero invented Row 59
Judge sentences to run Row 60
Tree starts to dance Row 61
Crisps with taste of popcorn Row 62
Parrot employed as radio presenter Row 63
Homework prohibited Row 64
Talking birds bring news around Row 65
FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 66
Recluse become celebrity Row 67
World diabetes day is created Row 68
Destiny not allowed to decide Row 69
Piano plays out of tune Row 70
Doctor gets sick Row 71
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 72
Polar bears swim to South Pole Row 73
Liion eats share Row 74
Apple tree gives carrots Row 75
Queen dances naked Row 76
Doping legalised at Olympics Row 77
Shooting star seen Row 78
Tagalong tagged in photo Row 79
„Burj Dubai“ will be extended Row 80
Page 3
Denmark builds new mountain Row 81
Golfer puts coplayer Row 82
Gorilla learns sign language Row 83
Student gets everything right Row 84
Model looses a shoe Row 85
Nun ends celibate life Row 86
Quantum physics goes wrong Row 87
Couple marries Row 88
Out of diapers Row 89
Dishwasher centrifugated Row 90
Fatal secret revealed Row 91
Postman sings opera Row 92
Apple falls from tree Row 93
Fierce warriors frightened of snake Row 94
First human borg Row 95
Pig becomes farmer Row 96
English course for animals Row 97
Man jumps off a cliff Row 98
Wrestling match misjudged Row 99
Fireman flamed for bad work Row 100
Superhero resigns Row 101
Photographer photographs photon Row 102
Roses without thorns grown Row 103
Hair straightener activated per USB Row 104
Columbus gets lost Row 105
Postman delivers birthday presents Row 106
Implant possible memory Row 107
Parachute drops jumper - saves itself Row 108
Sausage flavour ice-cream becomes popular Row 109
Battery starts burning Row 110
Flags banned Row 111
It is raining cats and dogs Row 112
Cartoon figure completes drawing Row 113
Barbecues forbidden by the police Row 114
Traffic jam on all roads Row 115
Battlefield becomes war memorial Row 116
Oldest tree dies Row 117
Author’s new novel Row 118
Footballer saves penalty Row 119
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 120
Page 4
Child’s first kiss Row 121
Cactus dies dehydrated Row 122
Crime wave in America Row 123
Giraffe released from Zoo Row 124
Brazil bans football Row 125
New musical instrument invented Row 126
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 127
Tree grows underground Row 128
Polyglots are half the world population Row 129
President has beauty surgery Row 130
Malta wins Eurovision song contest Row 131
Komet strikes venus Row 132
Tongue gets stuck in cheek Row 133
Rower rows around the world Row 134
All cars electric cars Row 135
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 136
Endless battery cell phones Row 137
Chess- man beats machine again Row 138
Airbag very comfortable Row 139
Earth cloudless a whole day Row 140
Memory Athlete becomes president Row 141
Pot cooking food for everyone Row 142
Bridge championship on Venus Row 143
Actress auctions handbags Row 144
Penguin goes on holidays Row 145
Lamp switches off Row 146
Genius born Row 147
Earth becomes red giant Row 148
Receipts no longer submitted Row 149
Gas station serves purple gas Row 150
People nearly die laughing Row 151
Exhaust pipes removed from cars Row 152
Carrot machine invented Row 153
Wardrobe leads to Gothenburg Row 154
Peace treaty written Row 155
Breakfast abolished Row 156
Fans cool city Row 157
Grape imports halted Row 158
Boss sacks entire staff Row 159
Group meditates Row 160
Page 5
Moon falls in the sea Row 161
Teleporting invented Row 162
Judge stands down Row 163
Rivers flow backwards Row 164
Child amazes parents Row 165
Chinese becomes world language Row 166
Opera plays hard rock Row 167
World peace treaty again Row 168
Hospital closes Row 169
Queen crowned naked Row 170
World Bank closes Row 171
Water freezes to ice Row 172
Salty melon found Row 173
Gandhi hits a child Row 174
Foot kicks ball Row 175


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