Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Dancers dance for a year Row 1
Mountaineering prohibits Row 2
Vegan wedding cakes difficult to find Row 3
Flea makes highest jump ever Row 4
Ourang-outang wins World Memory Championship Row 5
Sunglasses have a built-in GPS Row 6
Pillow insurrection Row 7
Dog lands on moon Row 8
Pigeon lays eggs in winter Row 9
New political party founded Row 10
Cleaner eats dust Row 11
Dancers dance off stage Row 12
Man lands on Mars Row 13
Eagles turn vegetarian Row 14
The sun goes on holiday Row 15
Student praised for cheating Row 16
Barbecues forbidden by the police Row 17
Bald man wears invisible hairpiece Row 18
1000 poems written Row 19
Port workers on strike Row 20
Diamond knife in museum Row 21
Pirates overtakes ship on museum Row 22
Gambler gambles everything, doesn't win Row 23
Big Foot moves downtown Row 24
Grandchild gets grandgrandchildren Row 25
Lifeguard drowns in beautiful eyes Row 26
Bride and groom get married Row 27
First man 200 years Row 28
Pet fox kept on leash Row 29
Bees make chocolate Row 30
Neutron star switches off Row 31
Mirror is secret portal Row 32
Spider bitten by human Row 33
Treasure of chocolate coins found Row 34
Landing on jupiter moon Row 35
Fans cool city Row 36
Construction Worker strike Row 37
Nature people detected Row 38
Prince takes part in knight games Row 39
Monkeys learn to speak Row 40
Page 2
Restaurant runs out of food Row 41
President elected as king Row 42
Lorry overloaded Row 43
Teddy bear laughs evily Row 44
Tropical heat in Sweden Row 45
Chinese Great Wall falls down Row 46
Child amazes parents Row 47
Traffic jam on all roads Row 48
Tea more expensive than oil Row 49
First human cloning Row 50
Zodiac changes shape Row 51
Lamp switches off Row 52
Wedding between gay princes Row 53
Entrepreneur invent the wheel Row 54
Candle heats city Row 55
Bees make pumpkin flower honey Row 56
Bowling is played at the office Row 57
Watch backflips Row 58
Giraffe released from Zoo Row 59
Moon loves the Sun Row 60
Teenager sails boat around world Row 61
Volcano erupts Row 62
Ice rink melts Row 63
Child found in a cellar Row 64
Headteacher starts new school Row 65
Cartoon figure completes drawing Row 66
Homeless inherits castle Row 67
Giant flowers grow Row 68
Island appears in Pacific Ocean Row 69
Last newspaper printed Row 70
Sweden to World Cup Row 71
Ordinary person becomes hero Row 72
Car company cheats again Row 73
Mickey Mouse divorces Row 74
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 75
Doctor prescribes hot chili Row 76
Tallest human dies Row 77
Recluse become celebrity Row 78
Memory supplement for drunks Row 79
Great fish catches great fisherman Row 80
Page 3
Spider weaves a long way Row 81
Heart stops beating Row 82
Amazon jungle disappears Row 83
Dog eats duck Row 84
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 85
Moon clones itself Row 86
Cockerel adopts orphan chicken Row 87
Children blow bubbles Row 88
Star explodes Row 89
Gnome catches flu Row 90
Smart PC turns off automatically Row 91
New dinosaur species found Row 92
Coal is banned Row 93
Scissors cut costs Row 94
Hairdresser clips eagle's wings Row 95
Forgetting completely forgotten Row 96
Actor performs at school Row 97
Cauliflower grows at bus stops Row 98
Restaurant on fire Row 99
Last theatre in town closes down Row 100
Queen visits Legoland Row 101
Uphill ski race abandoned Row 102
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 103
Students on strike Row 104
Canary sings in rock band Row 105
Ant crosses the Atlantic Row 106
Everest no longer highest mountain Row 107
Swimming pool destroyed in flood Row 108
Economic crisis Row 109
Madonna leaves Earth Row 110
Monk clears litter Row 111
First human on Mars Row 112
Grand slam at casino Row 113
Shrek appointed knight Row 114
New world record Row 115
Spider with nine legs found Row 116
Bison faces mental athlete Row 117
All trains on schedule Row 118
Steel man moves house Row 119
Tsunami in duck pond Row 120
Page 4
Invention of invisible condom Row 121
Tagalong tagged in photo Row 122
Receipts no longer given out Row 123
Grocery shop stops selling food Row 124
Boat sails adrift Row 125
Beethoven walks in country Row 126
Prince rides home Row 127
Dogs biking to the park Row 128
Bumblebees extinct Row 129
Soldiers strike Row 130
Spiderman shows him self Row 131
Sea floods Row 132
Policeman convicted of theft Row 133
Bad throw wins olympics Row 134
10th Star Trek series Row 135
Couple marries Row 136
Mindfulness causes confusion Row 137
Skyscraper crumbles Row 138
Divorce between squirrel and fox Row 139
Army resigns Row 140
Dieting woman halves weight Row 141
Disco closes Row 142
Spanish flu actually French Row 143
Australia wipes out rabbits Row 144
Bus with tree floors built Row 145
Shooting star seen Row 146
Green clouds detected Row 147
Party at the parliament Row 148
Rain ends drought Row 149
Monk becomes grandfather Row 150
Lambs complain for Easter Row 151
Lava comes out of tap Row 152
Grandparents go back to school Row 153
Caps banned Row 154
Israel makes peace with Palestine Row 155
Adoptive parents have child Row 156
New fish species is discovered Row 157
Princes marries Row 158
Candy smothers crocodile Row 159
Chief annexes Iceland Row 160
Page 5
Landscape demolished Row 161
Cars powered by electricity Row 162
New island found Row 163
Zebra named spot Row 164
GPS system shuts down Row 165
We are out of toilet paper Row 166
Aliens leave earth Row 167
Universe proven finite Row 168
Siamese twins divided Row 169
Priest cleans the church up Row 170
Dinosaur discovers treatment against cancer Row 171
Priest converts to Buddhism Row 172
Hostess offends passenger Row 173
Judge sentences to run Row 174
Artist paints invisible portrait Row 175


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