Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Tsunami warning cancelled Row 1
Lightning strikes the city Row 2
Infinite waiting time in phone queue Row 3
Brit sells baguette Row 4
Lizard race in courtyard Row 5
World currency forged Row 6
Film star hosts party Row 7
Hockey match ends in fight Row 8
Fliegender Teppich wird beliebtes Transportmittel Row 9
Couple gets divorced Row 10
Køge Gymnasium appoints new chairman Row 11
Rat hides in bottle Row 12
Banker donates bonus to charity Row 13
Plane reachers speed of light Row 14
Mirror is secret portal Row 15
Rain stuck in mid air Row 16
Husband wears wife's perfume Row 17
No more school Row 18
Memory championship on the moon Row 19
Vikings stranded in America Row 20
Sunniest November in centuries Row 21
Receipts no longer given out Row 22
Cream whipped into parmesan Row 23
Entire USA undergoes power cut Row 24
Walrus found on mountain top Row 25
Taxis work for free Row 26
Pyjamas party at school Row 27
Analogue cameras scrapped Row 28
Dog flies round the world Row 29
Grocery shop stops selling food Row 30
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 31
Please walk upside down Row 32
Train on time Row 33
Foldable cars a hit Row 34
Clothes tried in court Row 35
Steam powered cars regain popularity Row 36
Chef open restaurant on ship Row 37
All trains on schedule Row 38
Thailand gets new king Row 39
Operation goes wrong Row 40
Page 2
Small brain becomes big Row 41
Postman sings opera Row 42
Manned mission to Mars Row 43
Snake eats lion Row 44
Kings birthday Row 45
Psychologist goes mad Row 46
Copy of Earth discovered Row 47
Mobile phone implant Invented Row 48
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 49
King's horse abdicates Row 50
Everyone named Ben Row 51
Sheep with tartan wool bred Row 52
Mouse mows secular tree Row 53
Implant possible memory Row 54
Kidney surgery done again Row 55
Professional athletes on drugs Row 56
School is closed down by accident Row 57
China becomes Communist again Row 58
Farmer grows GMO canola Row 59
Cow produces whipped cream Row 60
Noone wins on the lottery Row 61
Persia resurrected Row 62
First world circumnavigation Row 63
Icicle breaks the asphalt Row 64
Car factory closed down Row 65
New natural product found in dead-nettle Row 66
Postcard shows our innermost fear Row 67
University has professor in memory training Row 68
Birds used to deliver letters Row 69
Hello Kitty not a cat Row 70
Lion escapes froom zoo Row 71
Plank put over Grand Canyon Row 72
Arab studies Aristotle Row 73
Donald Tramp lost in Kindergarten Row 74
Opera performed in space Row 75
Olympics held on the Moon Row 76
First brain transplant operation Row 77
A novel written Row 78
World diabetes day is created Row 79
New galaxy found Row 80
Page 3
Man celebrates 122nd birthday Row 81
Child refuses to go to school Row 82
Malaria mosquitoes wiped out Row 83
Wimbledon closed down Row 84
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 85
Peace treaty signed Row 86
Prayers held outside Row 87
Circus elephant escapes Row 88
Judge stands down Row 89
Last newspaper printed Row 90
King dies on horseback Row 91
The moon leaves earth Row 92
A moment lasts forever Row 93
Yeti gets bad cold Row 94
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 95
Farmers refuse to grow crops Row 96
Girl sings rap Row 97
American flag gains three stars Row 98
Drug addict dies Row 99
Skyscraper crumbles Row 100
Gnome catches flu Row 101
National team loses world cup Row 102
Money growing on trees Row 103
Wasp wins insect beauty contest Row 104
Compulsory schooling extended by 3 years Row 105
Blue peas discovered Row 106
Israel makes peace with Palestine Row 107
Wallet lost containing $5,000 Row 108
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 109
Cows give cream Row 110
Aliens land on Antarctic Row 111
New country discovered Row 112
Politician divorces Row 113
Fifty dead after pile-up Row 114
Bank insures customers' money Row 115
Beetle attends insect ball Row 116
TV game becomes school subject Row 117
Sweden and Norway united Row 118
A piano is played Row 119
Chameleon hides Row 120
Page 4
World's biggest pizza created Row 121
Fabric hammer invented Row 122
Carrots cure blindness Row 123
Ants move to new home Row 124
Local leader travels to Jupiter Row 125
Cargo-ship stuck in harbour Row 126
Money is obsolete Row 127
Ants the size of elephants found Row 128
Fish swims fast Row 129
Rogue stealing from lemonade stand Row 130
Plane lands backwards Row 131
Natural disaster delayed Row 132
Whisky becomes cats' favourite drink Row 133
Card pack memorised in 10 seconds Row 134
Hundred year-old tree tells sories Row 135
Football player scores blindfolded Row 136
Chemical company changes name Row 137
Chemical engineer becomes language teacher Row 138
Laser operations become standard Row 139
We are out of toilet paper Row 140
Parrot wins World Memory Championship Row 141
Soccer played on spaceship Row 142
First memory lesson Row 143
Elephant goes astray Row 144
Spiderman weaves his way home Row 145
Matriarch trembles in front of patriarch Row 146
Viennesse Schnitzel is poisoned Row 147
Unicorn detected Row 148
Pants prohibits Row 149
Transplants prohibited Row 150
Chef burns sausage Row 151
Salty melon found Row 152
First cosmetics studio opened Row 153
Author’s new novel Row 154
Christmas is cancelled Row 155
Model looses a shoe Row 156
Election is cancelled Row 157
Fish researches plankton Row 158
Human cloning legalised Row 159
90 % of pyramids underground Row 160
Page 5
Private schools banned Row 161
Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 162
Ring changes finger Row 163
Bees make chocolate Row 164
Surgeon makes mistake during operation Row 165
Monarch supports culture Row 166
Flags baned Row 167
Eclips of moon Row 168
Little Girl talks to neighbour Row 169
Square becomes round Row 170
Noble prize to a banana Row 171
Runner sets 100m record Row 172
Jupiter leaves orbit Row 173
New field in medicine Row 174
Death sentences are prohibited Row 175


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