Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Greenhouses prohibited Row 1
Unsinkable boat sinks Row 2
Gemstone detected Row 3
Oranges taste better than ever Row 4
Healthcare free for all Row 5
Purple tuna caught Row 6
Singer performs in park Row 7
Spiderman shows him self Row 8
Entrepreneur invents the wheel Row 9
Foldable television invented Row 10
Seabed cleaned up Row 11
Canoe sinks in a puddle Row 12
UN creates peace on Earth Row 13
Doping legalised at Olympics Row 14
He takes her hand Row 15
First brain transplant operation Row 16
Homemade vase breaks Row 17
Kangaroo catches a cold Row 18
Cat appears in circus Row 19
Monthly bus ticket los Row 20
Overhead replaces plasma TV Row 21
Transplants prohibited Row 22
Fan blows the moon away Row 23
Schoolbus drives round the world Row 24
Chief calls for world domination Row 25
Implant possible memory Row 26
Chemistry lesson is changed Row 27
Human city on moon Row 28
Oranges become watermelons Row 29
Alien moves to Mars Row 30
Kid pilots a plane Row 31
Grasshopper does long jump Row 32
Jupiter gets new moon Row 33
Teddy bear laughs evily Row 34
Fish found on Jupiter's moon Row 35
Oldest plant dies Row 36
Tree grows underground Row 37
Monkey memorizes deck of cards Row 38
Santa Claus deathly hurt Row 39
Journalist is shot dead Row 40
Page 2
World's oceans dry up Row 41
Coffee no longer grown Row 42
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 43
Hello Kitty not a cat Row 44
Bicylce in Chine tumbles down Row 45
Oldest tree burns down Row 46
Transatlantic train inaugurated Row 47
Vacuum sucks up kitten Row 48
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 49
Faulty vacuum cleaner catches fire Row 50
Pope dancing twist Row 51
Fly leaves the atmosphere Row 52
Cat chases ambulance Row 53
Cow produces whipped cream Row 54
Screwdrivers become twice as expensive Row 55
Dictator is assassinated cruelly Row 56
Food leftovers unite Row 57
Breakfast eaten in the evening Row 58
Puppy attacks boyfriend Row 59
Football prohibited Row 60
Dog crossed with cat Row 61
Axe named Axel Row 62
Sisters renounce kinship Row 63
Eagles turn vegetarian Row 64
Grass stops growing Row 65
Homeless inherits castle Row 66
Teachers' salaries cut to zero Row 67
Whale runs aground Row 68
Deepest hole dug Row 69
Flying cars prohibited Row 70
Watch backflips Row 71
Last blue whale dies Row 72
Giraffes hypnotize humans Row 73
Space tourism commonplace Row 74
Time travel becomes possible Row 75
Earth begins to grow Row 76
Lovely weather all year 'round Row 77
Ancient hamburger found in fridge Row 78
Love spares no-one Row 79
Taxes banished Row 80
Page 3
Cancer cure found Row 81
Oak faints Row 82
Ants the size of elephants found Row 83
Vacuum cleaner cleans appartement alone Row 84
Father of nation betrays country Row 85
Pink apples grown Row 86
Important book written Row 87
English course for animals Row 88
First hotel on the moon Row 89
Railway tunnel built through Denmark Row 90
Unicycle cannot be ridden Row 91
The devil becomes good Row 92
Fat man eats chicken Row 93
Queen steps down Row 94
Bee swam stops netball game Row 95
Amazon jungle deforested Row 96
Coldest summer ever Row 97
Leech prescribed as cure for obesity Row 98
Zebra loses stripes Row 99
Rain stuck in mid air Row 100
Triplets get married Row 101
Space tourism starts Row 102
Memory Athlete becomes president Row 103
USA splits up/ dissolves/ collapses Row 104
New field in medicine Row 105
Parachute drops jumper - saves itself Row 106
Mushrooms dancing in the woods Row 107
Deposed queen gains power Row 108
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 109
World's longest hair found Row 110
Spiderman weaves his way home Row 111
North Korea hands out cupcakes Row 112
Acrobat tries high bar Row 113
Trick or treat at the palace Row 114
Islands disappear Row 115
90 % of pyramids underground Row 116
Samer emigrating to the U.S. Row 117
Penholder for mental athletes Row 118
Gorilla walks badly Row 119
Showjumping without horses Row 120
Page 4
Sweden and Norway united Row 121
Yeti gets bad cold Row 122
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 123
World's longest giraffe born Row 124
Tree chases nests away Row 125
We are out of toilet paper Row 126
Empty bottle sleeps better Row 127
All cars run on electricity Row 128
Toilet paper shortage Row 129
Dance festival success Row 130
Wax enters the market Row 131
Bear eats all the blueberries Row 132
Lawyer sentenced in court Row 133
Buses drive backwards Row 134
Homophobia wiped out Row 135
Karate master trapped in paper bag Row 136
Forest is cleared Row 137
Sock gets a shower Row 138
Painter paints king Row 139
Old lady sour as lemonade Row 140
Storm destroys city Row 141
King executed in public Row 142
Plane cashes into Mount Everest Row 143
Most expensive stadium built Row 144
Elvis back, had been hiding Row 145
Wine consumption increases Row 146
New brain software Row 147
Lady hides in refrigerator Row 148
Fox escapes hunt Row 149
Doctor caught in fishing net Row 150
Bus driver refuses to gear up Row 151
On TV: Who wants a millionaire? Row 152
First clothes made of hair Row 153
Pope abdicates Row 154
Restaurant on fire Row 155
Rice harvest fails Row 156
Trainer teaches new sport Row 157
Mummies are alive Row 158
Paris-New York underground tunnel Row 159
Butterflies gather in Mexico Row 160
Page 5
Boy learns times tables Row 161
Bull jumps on audience tribune Row 162
New spider species detected Row 163
Lorry drives round the world Row 164
Dog accompanies owner to the park Row 165
Broken dinner finally fixed Row 166
Echo never stops echoing Row 167
Computer prohibits Row 168
Card deck memorized on Mars Row 169
Land may no longer be owned Row 170
Landscape architect gets it wrong Row 171
Sea floods Row 172
Bridge championship on Venus Row 173
Heart stops beating Row 174
Dogs talk to cats Row 175


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