Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Boyfriend performs rain dance Row 1
Carpenter puts nail in nose Row 2
New world record in swimming Row 3
Italian flag changes colours Row 4
Snowman wins dance competition Row 5
Dinner for thinner sinners Row 6
Declaration declared intangible Row 7
Peace is forgotten Row 8
Polar bears swim to South Pole Row 9
Salmon learn to speak Row 10
Eclips of moon Row 11
Monkey found reading Row 12
Boys schools closed Row 13
Snow White gets a cold Row 14
Spring roll bursts in restaurant Row 15
Ikea sells mountable cars Row 16
Dogs biking to the park Row 17
Coal is banned Row 18
Chicken graduates at Harvard Row 19
Rose grows without thorns Row 20
The world's longest bridge built Row 21
Spanish becomes world language Row 22
Doctor gets sick Row 23
Paris-New York underground tunnel Row 24
Mindfulness causes confusion Row 25
Memory master dement Row 26
Pandemic stopped Row 27
Prisoner is put in chains Row 28
World peace in a day Row 29
Russian drama is Hollywood hit film Row 30
Doctors fall asleep Row 31
Actor performs at school Row 32
Mars leaves solar system Row 33
All religions agree tolerance Row 34
Einstein looks through telescope Row 35
Compass points South Row 36
School leaving age is 24 Row 37
Design competition won by chimpanzee Row 38
Brie spread in sandwich Row 39
Gnome catches flu Row 40
Page 2
Spiderman weaves his way home Row 41
World race olympic discipline Row 42
Volcano destroys Venezuela Row 43
World Cup for aliens Row 44
Brown polar bear spotted Row 45
Child’s first kiss Row 46
Global epidemic prevented Row 47
Flower cigarette invented Row 48
Puppy attacks boyfriend Row 49
Ban on Smart phones Row 50
Man celebrates 122nd birthday Row 51
Storm lasts 100 days Row 52
Mickey Mouse divorces Row 53
Oil reserves run out Row 54
Lady lives to 100 Row 55
Dishwasher dishes in one second Row 56
Fysiotherapist breaks an arm Row 57
Industry changes targets Row 58
Neighbour recovers from flu Row 59
Tree starts to dance Row 60
Gravity stops Row 61
Eurasia split by natural disaster Row 62
Soccer played on spaceship Row 63
Coffee turns blue Row 64
Scientist captured by terrorists Row 65
Greek islanders invade mainland Row 66
Tunnel closed Row 67
Germans make intricate lace doilies Row 68
Wedding between gay princes Row 69
Workers strike Row 70
Laser operations become standard Row 71
Remote controlled car drives itself Row 72
Pyjama party at the office Row 73
Fierce warriors frightened of snake Row 74
Visa removed Row 75
Dog eats boy's homework Row 76
Cyclist in doping scandal Row 77
No more antibiotics Row 78
Coffee no longer grown Row 79
Manned mission to Mars Row 80
Page 3
Crabs learn to swim Row 81
Politicians fight in parliament Row 82
News in world language Row 83
New disease discovered Row 84
Poisoned death caps successfully sold Row 85
Carpenter makes wooden underpants Row 86
Oranges become watermelons Row 87
Everyone hickups simultaneously Row 88
Business woman leaves country town Row 89
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 90
iPhone 93XX lasts for 93 minutes Row 91
Phone calls spirit Row 92
CEO refuses to step down Row 93
Square becomes round Row 94
Crane lifts ship wreck Row 95
Politician declines expenses Row 96
Koala falls Row 97
Pink polar bear discovered Row 98
Curtains on the walls Row 99
Bat forgets how to fly Row 100
The 60s become modern again Row 101
Circus closes Row 102
No cigarette butts on avenue Row 103
Bionic arm-wrestler disqualified Row 104
Cat chases ambulance Row 105
Prisoner escapes Row 106
Footballer saves penalty Row 107
Coffee is grown no more Row 108
Human city on moon Row 109
Space tourism commonplace Row 110
First flying submarine Row 111
Card pack memorised in 10 seconds Row 112
World journey on ice skates Row 113
Elbow hits eye Row 114
Pig becomes farmer Row 115
Everybody hides Row 116
Orange tastes of lemon Row 117
Jungle grows on the moon Row 118
Pilot sleeps while driving Row 119
Brazil prohibits football Row 120
Page 4
Donald Duck comes to life Row 121
Oldest plant dies Row 122
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 123
New country created Row 124
Trainer teaches new sport Row 125
Comic loses laughter Row 126
Rice grows in Spain Row 127
Automatic machine does not work Row 128
Lessons in going on pilgrimage Row 129
Diamond falls off bracelet Row 130
Child goes to school Row 131
Photograph of ghost taken Row 132
Extraterrestrial contact Row 133
Bathtubs forbidden Row 134
Billionaire wins the lottery Row 135
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 136
Liion eats share Row 137
Earth cloudless for a whole day Row 138
Cats only move by bike Row 139
Yoga considered healthy Row 140
Engineers design a flying saucer Row 141
Robots granted same rights as people Row 142
Monkey memorizes deck of cards Row 143
Student praised for cheating Row 144
Wall is painted red Row 145
Lead transformed in gold Row 146
Man not smartest on earth Row 147
Summer all year around Row 148
Crew go on strike Row 149
Kangaroo catches a cold Row 150
Fairy princess tired of pink Row 151
Cleaner eats dust Row 152
Pasta boils over Row 153
Psychologist goes mad Row 154
Unimotorcycle gift of the year Row 155
Earth gets a second satellite Row 156
Pear falls on scientist Row 157
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 158
Boys' school closed Row 159
Sponge-Bob really exists Row 160
Page 5
Book starts to fly Row 161
Healthcare free for all Row 162
Monster married at first sight Row 163
Inventor invents wheel Row 164
OS closed down Row 165
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 166
Dog flies round the world Row 167
All electricity runs out Row 168
Government backs industry Row 169
Artist paints invisible portrait Row 170
Fifty dead after pile-up Row 171
Windows stops using folders Row 172
No-one sleeps on lecture Row 173
Receipts no longer submitted Row 174
Global peace Row 175


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