Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
World map is redrawn Row 1
Appendectomy goes wrong Row 2
New machine invented Row 3
Pasta boils over Row 4
Toys are alive Row 5
Banker donates to charity Row 6
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 7
Mime walks tightrope Row 8
Madman appointed director of asylum Row 9
Skiiing in Alps no longer possible Row 10
Moon falls in the sea Row 11
Big smurf waxes his legs Row 12
Smoking becomes illegal Row 13
Book drops from shelf Row 14
Man lands on Mars Row 15
Denmark builds new mountain Row 16
Grasshopper does long jump Row 17
Mine digs through Earth Row 18
Apple falls Row 19
Selenium is added to vitamin tablets Row 20
Memory master dement Row 21
Male politicians banned Row 22
Egg cup invented Row 23
Japan bans nuclear energy Row 24
Footballer kicks referee Row 25
Industrialist opens new factory Row 26
Healthcare free for all Row 27
Doping legalized at olympics Row 28
Golf star in scandal Row 29
Lifewest latest fashion Row 30
Amazon jungle deforested Row 31
Wall is painted red Row 32
Alien brushes Row 33
Hair color prohibited Row 34
Army general becomes juggler Row 35
Cargo-ship stuck in harbour Row 36
Taxes banished Row 37
Charlemagne conquers Greece Row 38
Surgeon operates on gnomes Row 39
Endless battery cell phones Row 40
Page 2
Transplants prohibited Row 41
The moon is cubical Row 42
Girls stronger than boys Row 43
Corn in all food products Row 44
Cactus dies dehydrated Row 45
Bowling is played at the office Row 46
Nursery on the moon opens Row 47
Barbecues forbidden by the police Row 48
Photographer takes picture of princess Row 49
FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 50
Tigers escape from zoo Row 51
New religion created Row 52
Crocodile only eats salad Row 53
Girl sings rap Row 54
Monk clears litter Row 55
Glove thrown into the garbage Row 56
Opera performed in space Row 57
Farmers refuse to grow crops Row 58
Please walk upside down Row 59
Aircraft operated on gas Row 60
Alexander the Great reads his story Row 61
Bat forgets how to fly Row 62
Secretary awarded Nobel prize Row 63
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 64
Soccer ball bounces into goal Row 65
Lovely weather all year 'round Row 66
Underground sea detected Row 67
Hedgehogs trained to collect litter Row 68
Cat appears in circus Row 69
Tabloid only mdia Row 70
Tiger learns to sing Row 71
First human on Mars Row 72
Airplane flies out in space Row 73
Prisoner runs away from home Row 74
Chevrolet only five bucks Row 75
Mars stops rotating Row 76
Martians attack the Venus Row 77
Temperature rises by 5 degrees Row 78
Schoolchildren refuse to read Row 79
Pilot sleeps while driving Row 80
Page 3
Implant possible memory Row 81
Moses swims across the sea Row 82
All animals extinct Row 83
First time-travel Row 84
Female president in China Row 85
Antarctic melt Row 86
Artist makes wrong brushstroke Row 87
Sharks learn to speak Row 88
Computer problems at the Pentagon Row 89
Card deck memorized on Mars Row 90
Field of lavender sold at auction Row 91
Emperor's old clothes found Row 92
Rice harvest fails Row 93
New religion founded Row 94
All of Europe flooded Row 95
Sun rises in the West Row 96
Photographer in scandal Row 97
Salmon learn to speak Row 98
Skyscraper made entirely of glass Row 99
Trucks prohibited Row 100
Oysters eat living human Row 101
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 102
It rains for 3 months Row 103
Geeks rule Universe Row 104
Time travel becomes possible Row 105
New political party founded Row 106
Peace treaty written Row 107
Singer performs in park Row 108
Island with talking animals discovered Row 109
Pyramids are actually spaceships Row 110
Best ever design software released Row 111
Spider with nine legs found Row 112
New science discovered Row 113
Round world trip completed Row 114
Child found in a cellar Row 115
Butterflies collection sold Row 116
Rain stuck in mid air Row 117
Brain power new energy source Row 118
Israel makes peace with Palestine Row 119
Attached file falls off Row 120
Page 4
Pee as car fuel Row 121
Socks watch TV Row 122
Chocolate is product of the year Row 123
Star loses suitcase at airport Row 124
Marriage for animals legalised Row 125
Operation goes wrong Row 126
Deer migrate Row 127
Flower has roots instead of leaves Row 128
Sun shines at night Row 129
Tsunami warning cancelled Row 130
Dinner for thinner sinners Row 131
Memory records broken Row 132
Stuffed animals revived Row 133
Word stuck in throat Row 134
Dog crossed with cat Row 135
Toilet paper shortage Row 136
The moon leaves earth Row 137
Newton eats apple Row 138
Pet fox kept on leash Row 139
Three meter straw flops Row 140
Last book shop closes down Row 141
School leaving age is 24 Row 142
God revealed Row 143
Teenagers wear beret, adults cap Row 144
Headteacher starts new school Row 145
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 146
Film star hosts party Row 147
Door becomes road backwards Row 148
People learn telepathy Row 149
Robot learns speaking Row 150
Tales prove to be true Row 151
Audience boo Hollywood film Row 152
Baby holds a concert Row 153
Laws of physics stop Row 154
Prisoner escapes Row 155
Child’s first kiss Row 156
Self-cleaning clothes become popular Row 157
Cocktail bar serves water Row 158
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 159
President re-elected for 5th time Row 160
Page 5
First school opened on the moon Row 161
Computer smarter than humans Row 162
Superhero resigns Row 163
Maths proven wrong Row 164
1000 poems written Row 165
Bank goes bankrupt Row 166
Dynamite man marries gingerbread woman Row 167
Black teeth in fashion Row 168
Bank swindled by con man Row 169
British swimmer wins cup Row 170
Only rhymed sentences allowed Row 171
Jungle grows on the moon Row 172
Sea level drops 3 meters Row 173
Forgetting completely forgotten Row 174
Work voluntarily Row 175


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