Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 1
Mother captains ship Row 2
Airbag very comfortable Row 3
Piano plays out of tune Row 4
Vikings stranded in America Row 5
Principal pranks school children Row 6
Healthcare free for all Row 7
Olympics held on the Moon Row 8
Visa revoked Row 9
Music heard from Jupiter moon Row 10
Donald Duck comes to life Row 11
Dishwasher dishes in one second Row 12
Doctor gets sick Row 13
Headteacher opens own school Row 14
Child refuses to go to school Row 15
Gambler gambles everything, doesn't win Row 16
Madagascar below sea level Row 17
Flags banned Row 18
Dog eats duck Row 19
Showjumping without horses Row 20
Remote controlled car drives itself Row 21
Fish found on Jupiter's moon Row 22
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 23
Pen refuses writing Row 24
Bat forgets how to fly Row 25
Polyglots are half the world population Row 26
Football player offend referee Row 27
Penguin for sale as tuxedo Row 28
Double-ended match popular Row 29
Group meditates Row 30
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 31
Photograph of ghost taken Row 32
TV game becomes school subject Row 33
Earth's center solidifies Row 34
Spanish new international language Row 35
Engine invented Row 36
Arsonist devastates Europe Row 37
Vampire becomes vegan Row 38
Bad throw wins olympics Row 39
Bionic eye invented Row 40
Page 2
Taxishaped galaxy found Row 41
Breathing becomes unnecessary Row 42
Chemical company changes name Row 43
Refugees refuse to flee Row 44
Genetic mutation discovered Row 45
The moon is cubical Row 46
New religion founded Row 47
Pigeon lays eggs in winter Row 48
Universe turns out to be flower Row 49
Lead transformed in gold Row 50
Girl sings rap Row 51
Fox escapes hunt Row 52
Princess born Row 53
Cars in cities banned Row 54
Brain loses memory Row 55
President re-elected for 5th time Row 56
Monthly bus ticket los Row 57
Sun changes colour Row 58
King abdicates Row 59
Preventative medicine is compulsory Row 60
Onion mousse is most popular dessert Row 61
Ants move to new home Row 62
Bakers bake baked goods Row 63
Gramophone teaches kids playing chess Row 64
Priest cleans the church up Row 65
Sportswoman trips over shoelaces Row 66
100 persons dropped on island Row 67
New breed of horses bred Row 68
Plant grows downwards Row 69
Queen swims over English Channel Row 70
Mohammed moves mountain Row 71
Poisoned death caps successfully sold Row 72
Manned mission to Mars Row 73
Sea level rises seven meters Row 74
Soldier is awarded medal Row 75
Northern Lights cease to exist Row 76
Whisky becomes cats' favourite drink Row 77
Dictator builds new palace Row 78
Students on vacation Row 79
Mosquito squashes elephant Row 80
Page 3
Nail cut shorter Row 81
Dog buries bone Row 82
Scientist transforms into gas Row 83
Antique lace bonnet catches fire Row 84
Mamouth born again Row 85
Aliens land on Antarctic Row 86
Everybody hides Row 87
World Epidemic stopped Row 88
Brain declared as World Heritage Row 89
Memory records broken Row 90
Door becomes road backwards Row 91
Walrus found on mountain top Row 92
Film star hosts party Row 93
Nun wins the WMC Row 94
New election in Sweden Row 95
An insect flies Row 96
Mars stops rotating Row 97
Aztecs invent the number one Row 98
World peace introduced Row 99
Dog lands on moon Row 100
Samer emigrating to the U.S. Row 101
Puppet does flips Row 102
Closet explodes Row 103
Dog flies round the world Row 104
Lens clouds over Row 105
Ginseng proven to be a sedative Row 106
Knee bends Row 107
UFO lands on moon Row 108
Hearing device filters lies Row 109
Cars powered by electricity Row 110
Landmark moved Row 111
Crickets sing at the theatre Row 112
Fox steals chickens Row 113
Business prohibited Row 114
Bathtubs forbidden Row 115
Food leftovers unite Row 116
Photographer in scandal Row 117
Last blue whale dies Row 118
Life found on second planet Row 119
Statue on meditation Row 120
Page 4
Invention of anti-diabetes medicine Row 121
March leaves orbit Row 122
Death of a adorable provocateur Row 123
The moon leaves earth Row 124
Sea floods Row 125
Blind person takes driving test Row 126
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 127
Open air circus performances start Row 128
Frisbee throwing becomes Olympic sport Row 129
Lambs frolic in Spring Row 130
Only single socks sold Row 131
Juggler earns a fortune Row 132
Rivers flow backwards Row 133
All cars run on electricity Row 134
Dictator is assassinated cruelly Row 135
Aircraft flies itself Row 136
All of Europe flooded Row 137
The devil becomes good Row 138
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 139
Student is late Row 140
Male politicians banned Row 141
Memory Champion elected President Row 142
Last facebook post posted Row 143
New superhero invented Row 144
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 145
First trip to another galaxy Row 146
Teacher holds hip-hop lesson Row 147
Groceries delivered to South Pole Row 148
A battle won Row 149
Big city square becomes camping site Row 150
Tsunami in duck pond Row 151
Sun rises in the West Row 152
Pillow fighting world championships cancelled Row 153
Landscape demolished Row 154
Schoolteachers stop teaching Row 155
Tagalong tagged in photo Row 156
Cloudy for one year Row 157
Brazil prohibits football Row 158
Chef burns sausage Row 159
Alcohol declared illegal Row 160
Page 5
Computer company makes electric car Row 161
First brain transplant operation Row 162
Chef open restaurant on ship Row 163
Skateboarder goes down a mountain Row 164
Submarine attacked by supermarine Row 165
Dane finds rare bones in France Row 166
Ban on Smart phones Row 167
Treasure founded out Row 168
Construction Worker strike Row 169
World memory champion elected president Row 170
All kings meet Row 171
Purple cucumbers a hit Row 172
No-one feels for working Row 173
Cancer can be healed Row 174
Patient mistaken for mummy Row 175


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